Cool Sunday Tunes with Sam
Sundays 12pm to 1pm
Presented by Sam Quast

Cool Sunday Tunes with Sam

Sundays 12pm to 1pm

Presented by Sam Quast

My name is Sam Quast, I’m a young local from Bega who has autism.

Join me for ‘Cool Sunday Tunes with Sam’ every Sunday, where I play a variety of music including hits old and new.

During the rest of the week, I do a variety of things. I do the podcast group at Disability Trust on a Tuesday afternoon, run my own little podcast show called ‘Sam’s Variety Show’, I am a part of Dave Crowden’s Guitarama ensemble and I also work as a delivery driver at Macca’s.

I went to Bega High School and finished in 2022, I was a member for the school’s SRC and I was also the Year 12 school captain.

I’m a busy guy but I enjoy my life!

Tune into ‘Cool Sunday Tunes with Sam’ every Sunday noon to 1pm on 93.7 EDGEFM!

© Copyright Edge FM Community Radio | Edge-FM is a trading name of Bega Access Radio Incorporated | Produced with the assistance of the Department of Broadband, Communications and the Digital Economy via the Community Broadcasting Foundation