Christian Life Program
Thursdays 7pm – 9pm
Presented by Georgina Wadley

Christian Life Program

Thursdays 7pm – 9pm

Presented by Georgina Wadley

The show is based on the Word of God, the Bible, with roughly ten 2 minute messages, delivered in a conversation style, with great popular all round music (mostly secular from the 60’s to now) between each message, illustrating the point of the message.

“I got into doing a show, when a 15 year old girl in my son’s year at school, whom I knew well, suicided (in 2010). I wanted people to know that they are loved just as they are, and that there is always hope, and that God has a plan and a purpose for their lives.”

People should tune in, because the messages encourage, are uplifting, and tell of the unconditional love of God for all, especially in these troubling times.

© Copyright Edge FM Community Radio | Edge-FM is a trading name of Bega Access Radio Incorporated | Produced with the assistance of the Department of Broadband, Communications and the Digital Economy via the Community Broadcasting Foundation